Friday, December 19, 2008

Birthstones And Their Healing Properties Part 1

It is believed since ancient times that birthstones have magical properties and particular gems worn by people born under specific zodiac can benefit that person that’s why these gems are called birthstones. These gems are specified according to the birth month. The birthstones 12 months are as follows.

For January, use garnet stone.

For February, use amethyst stone.

For March, use eaquamarine stone.

For April, use diamond stone.

For May, use emerald stone.

For June, use moonstone and pearl.

For July, use a ruby.

For August, use a carnelian stone.

For September, use sapphire.

For October, use opal.

For November, use topaz.

For December, use turquoise.

Every gem is supposed to have some healing properties. Though it doesn’t have any scientific basis many people wear certain gems to overcome problems they are facing. Let’s take a look at all these gems one by one.

Garnet: garnet derives its name from the Latin word “granatum “meaning pomegranate because it resembles to the fruit. Although garnet is mostly used in red color it is also available in variety of colors like green, pink and black. Green garnet is very expensive of all since it is very rare. It is said that garnet balances natural energy. It also protects, increase confidence and security.

Amethyst: amethyst is violet colored quartz; chemical formula chemical formula is SiO2. This gem is very rare and quiet expensive like ruby, diamond, sapphire. Greeks used this gem to protect from overdrinking. That’s how it got its name. The Greek word "amethystos" is translated as "not drunken". It is supposed that amethyst increases vivid dreams, relieves depression, and calms wearer.

Aquamarine: the word aquamarine means sea water and as the name suggests it has slight bluish tint. Sailors used to travel with aquamarine to ensure safe voyage. It is also believed that it improves sight, sharpens mind.

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